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Category: Statistics

Sample Mediation Results in APA format – Psychology statistics or SPSS tuition

Psychology Statistics Tuition, SPSS Tuition in Singapore There are two ways you can write mediation report in APA format. Baron & Kenny (1986): In this analysis, IV is family support, DV is current salary and MV is beginning salary. Following Baron and Kenny’s (1986) mediation analysis, a complete mediation happens when a) IV significantly predicts …

How To Write Research Report – APA Format

APA research sample guideline: Introduction Do not type the word “Introduction” at the top of this page — instead, just type the title of the manuscript, in upper and lower case, centered left to right.  On the first double-spaced line after the title, start the text of the introduction, left-aligned.  Indent the first line of …

What is a population defined in statistics?

 Population is: All the individuals, objects or scores the researcher or investigator is interested in studying In an experiment, the population is the larger group of individuals from which the participants in the experiment are taken  For instance, if I am interested to find out the number of people who do not pay tax in Singapore then …

What is sample?

Sample is: A subset of the population. As discussed in the previous post, sample is used for:– Practical considerations– Time considerations There are generally two types of sampling: Probability sampling – random – Robust as random sampling allows selection of representative samples  Non-probability sampling – non random – Less robust but might be the most appropriate for some of the studies where random sampling …

What is random sampling?

 Random Sampling is: a random selection of every individual, object or score. — This implies that every individual, object or score has an equal chance of being selected with or without replacement. — However, random sampling is usually not possible— Hence non probability sampling has to be used whenever random sampling is not possible 

What is non probability sampling?

 Nonrandom Sampling is:  when every individual, object or score DOES NOT has an equal chance of being chosenTypes of non random sampling:1. Convenience samplinga type of convenience or accidental sampling which relies heavily on available subjects— eg. people walking past certain area2. Judgemental sampling– Based on your knowledge of the population, its elements and your research aims3. …

What are the different ways to categorize data?

 Types of Data 1. Quantitative data – numerical / continuous — can be sub categorized into interval or ratio data— data CAN be added, subtracted, multiplied or dividedcannot be added, subtracted, divided or multiplied — numbers that are the results of measuring a variable— Data used to calculate percentages, means, standard deviation       – Eg. Exam Scores, Height etc 2.  …

Sampling Distribution – Normal, Positive or Negative Skewed

Normal Distribution When the mean is equal to the median and mode, the sampling distribution is deemed to be normally distributed.  Positively Skewed or Right Skewed When the mean is more than the median, most of the data is concentrated on the left and hence the data is skewed towards the right.  Negatively Skewed or Left …

What is Binomial Distribution?

1. Consists of N identical trailse.g. Throw a dice 20 times   2. Consists of 2 mutually exclusive outcomese.g. head or tail, defective or not defective, success or failureProbability of success is p, probability of failure is 1 – p (which can also be expressed as q) 3. Consists of constant probability for each observation e.g., …

Characteristics of Normal Distribution

  Normal Distribution‘s Characteristics: 1)   Symmetrical about the mean (median and mode) 
a.     The mean divides the distribution in two where 50% of the distribution lies below the mean and 50% lies above the mean 
b.     The probability that a score falls below the mean is 50% 
c.     The probability that a score falls above …